
News from the PDGR - our newsletters keep you informed about current and exciting topics.

Choose the newsletter that suits you, add your details and receive varied content conveniently at home or your workplace in the future by e-mail.


Newsletter "Monthly Theme"
Our newsletter with a monthly theme is published five times a year, as are our monthly topics.

You will receive a review of the last monthly topic with all support articles, TV-interviews, radio audio files and other exciting content on the respective psychiatric topic, which will be available as a focus for a whole month with information from different perspectives.

To the PDGR monthly topics:


Newsletter "Specialist Information"
Our newsletter for professionals is published four to five times a year and offers you exciting insights into the topics related to adult psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, home centres and ARBES.

In this newsletter, we also inform about news from the PDGR and upcoming events as well as specialist events. 


To subscribe to the newsletter:


Private Clinic MENTALVA
Psychiatric Services Grisons
Clinic Beverin
La Nicca Strasse 17
CH-7408 Cazis

Phone +41 58 225 33 50



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