Advice & Support

Relatives are a great support for the person concerned at a difficult time. Patients' social networks can be a burden, but in many cases, these are a valuable resource. If you are well informed about the disease as a relative with strategies for managing your daily life, your emotional stress and insecurity will be reduced.

This knowledge, in turn, has a positive effect on the course of the disease and the quality of life for the whole family. In personal conversations, we clarify questions about illness, how to deal with difficult situations and advise you on various support offers.

As a family member, you are not only to be seen as a "co-therapist", but also to be perceived with your own distress. What is everyday life for professionals is usually an absolutely exceptional situation for the relatives, and, at first, there are hardly any coping strategies available.

The consultations are free of charge, confidential and subject to professional confidentiality. Contact the patient's caregiver or directly the ward manager.

«Relatives are usually severely affected by a family member's mental illness. We are happy to support you and involve you in the treatment.»
Roderick Janssens, Ward Manager


Self-help groups support relatives and those directly affected. They meet regularly to offer support and discuss personal issues and experiences.

Community self-help is multifaceted and can take different forms such as local self-help groups, networking of individuals with each other, or self-help services via the Internet.

Various support groups are available to you as a relative.

Overview: Self-help groups within Switzerland

Overview: Self-help groups in the canton of Grisons

Network mental health


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Private Clinic MENTALVA
Psychiatric Services Grisons
Clinic Beverin
La Nicca Strasse 17
CH-7408 Cazis

Phone +41 58 225 33 50




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